Ethiopia Sidamo Gr1 Nansebo
Nansebo is a District in the West Arusi area, in very high altitude
bordering Bale Mountains. It is a beautiful and very cold area
full of water. Bulga is the Village where the station is located,
and the station is Called Bulga Lemi. Our partner in Ethiopia,
Moplaco, have signed a vertical integration agreement with
them to buy their coffee. That means that the buy the coffee
directly from them! The coffee was grown by smallholder
farmers living around the kabele (town) of Bulga, in Oromia
County. Coffee is selectively hand-picked before being
delivered to the mill collection points, usually within 5 km of
the producers’ homes. Altitude reaches 2300 meters, the area
is heavily forested and has a lot of rivers that flow through the
Mountains of Bale all the way down Nansebo village.
This coffee is a personal selection by Heleana Georgalis, a fourth
generation coffee producer. Heleanna has done an admirable job of
continuing the legacy of her father’s at Moplaco. Under her leadership,
Moplaco is constantly evolving to produce ever-increasing quality coffee
in spite of the complexity and challenges continually present within
Ethiopia’s coffee production and auction systems.
CUP PROFILE: Plum, citrus, milk chocolate,
citric acidity
REGION: Nansebo
VARIETY: Heirloom washed, Grade 1
PROCESS: Fully Washed
ACIDITY: Citrusy and Bright
BODY: Very rich pure taste, and a sweet finish